Marriage & Family
For many, deciding to see a therapist is a big decision. Deciding on who to see is even bigger, more daunting, and fraught with questions: Should I/we see a male or a female? What kind of training and credentials should he/she have? How much experience is enough?
Therapeutic Alliance
Once the decision has been made, probably the most important challenge is finding a therapist with whom you “click.” In the therapy field, this is called “establishing an effective therapeutic alliance.” It
means working with someone you trust, respect, and like and someone you feel trusts, respects, and cares for you. Research has consistently shown that a client-therapist relationship characterized by these qualities are necessary and critical for a positive outcome.
As a marital and family therapist my approach to marriage and family therapy is active, structured, and goal-directed while maintaining a supportive, caring, and non-judgmental attitude. I seek to develop a collaborative relationship through which self-awareness, personal responsibility, and change emerge. My work in family therapy is grounded in the core belief in the inherent health and goodness of people and in their innate capacity to grow and change.
Areas of Practice, Licensure
I work with (pre)adolescents, individuals, couples, and families. Some of the common problems I treat are adolescent identity issues, parenting, marital conflict, effects of divorce on children, trauma, sexual issues, loss/grief, addictions, depression, and anxiety.
I am a Florida licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and School Psychologist. I am a Clinical Member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, a Certified Sex Therapist with the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists, and a Certified EMDR Clinician (a specific approach in the treatment of trauma, see for review).
Session Format
The format of therapy varies in terms of both length and frequency. Generally sessions are 50 minutes long, and initially, scheduled on a weekly basis. I have found that regular and consistent appointments in the early phase of treatment promotes continuity and accelerates movement toward change.
As progress toward therapeutic goals is made, counseling sessions are scheduled farther apart, until goals are achieved and therapy is terminated. Given this approach, my experience is that tangible gains are often noticeable within four to six sessions.
Reputation of Success
Over the years, I have gained the reputation of being successful with couples and families that have dropped out of treatment and are the most challenging. I believe, and have been told by these clients, that the difference which made a difference is my more active and direct approach together with an energy and willingness to get deeply involved and committed to the success of my clients. I have successfully treated many clients in a broad range of areas. My primary strengths include family therapy, couples therapy, relationship counselling and therapy with children.